Land Birds: Songbirds

Nuthatches, Brown Creeper, Wrens

Nuthatches (4 species) have short tails and long bills. They descend headfirst down tree trunks, gleaning for insects in bark crevices. Brown Creeper does the opposite, it slowly ascends the tree trunk, using its stiff tail as a prop - similar to woodpeckers.

Wrens (9 species) creep through vegetation, foraging for insects and fruit, often with their tails raised above their backs. All have narrow heads and long, slender bills, an adaption for probing deep into crevices. Their songs are varied and complex.


Bushtit, Chickadees, Titmice, Verdin


Bluebirds, Dippers, Gnatcatchers, Kinglets, Robins, Thrushes, Old World Warblers, Wrentit