Land Birds: Songbirds
Emberizine Sparrow Allies: Buntings, Juncos, Longspurs, Towhees
This group includes Juncos (2 species), Buntings (4 species), Longspurs (4 species), and Towhees (6 species).
Green-tailed Towhee prefers dense brush; California & Canyon Towhees are similar but their distribution ranges do not overlap.
The Lark Bunting is found in arid areas, and differs from sparrows in voice, plumage, and structure. Dark-eyed Junco’s plumage is very variable (6 populations).
Longspurs inhabit the prairie and/or tundra and are stocky, with conical, mildly pointed bills. The Chestnut-collared Longspur depends on native prairie grasslands for breeding and its population has declined with the loss of praries to cropland and urban development.