Land Birds: Songbirds

Emberizine Sparrow Allies: Buntings, Juncos, Longspurs, Towhees

This group includes Juncos (2 species), Buntings (4 species), Longspurs (4 species), and Towhees (6 species).

Green-tailed Towhee prefers dense brush; California & Canyon Towhees are similar but their distribution ranges do not overlap.

The Lark Bunting is found in arid areas, and differs from sparrows in voice, plumage, and structure. Dark-eyed Junco’s plumage is very variable (6 populations).

Longspurs inhabit the prairie and/or tundra and are stocky, with conical, mildly pointed bills. The Chestnut-collared Longspur depends on native prairie grasslands for breeding and its population has declined with the loss of praries to cropland and urban development.


Emberizine Sparrows


Blackbirds, Bobolink, Cowbirds, Grackles, Meadowlarks, Orioles